This site is created and authored by me, Karl Levik, a UK-based database engineer, data wrangler and open-source enthusiast.
Scope and purpose
The blog serves a dual purpose of being my technical notes to help me remember what I've learnt, but it is also an earnest attempt at contributing something useful back to the community of fellow software tinkerers.
My current interests are mostly centred around fundamental back-end technologies, in particular database systems and related topics. I have worked with SQL database systems for more than two decades, both as a developer and a DBA, and in particular as a MariaDB DBA in recent years. I’m also a longtime GNU/Linux user, and more recently a FreeBSD user as well.
While I generally prefer open-source software, proprietary software is a fact of life which I will occasionally also cover.
You can reach me via email or Mastodon, see links in the footer.
- Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer, past or present.
- While I do my utmost to avoid it, the blog articles may contain errors or bad/incomplete advice. I am not responsible for any data loss or other problems you suffer as a result.